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Problem Uploading files via Perlmagick / LAMP Server

Posted: 2007-04-02T15:10:50-07:00
by systemsadminAS
Hey there everyone...

I'm new to PerlMagick and am trying to get some old code back up and running from a previous programmer who has long since left the company, originally developing via ImageMagick, PerlMagick 5.43.

The following was designed to work with other modules to upload pictures into a folder on a Red Hat Linux server for an employee database. The filename corresponds with the employee number (hence the code to parse the filename), and a jpg is created from whatever the user selects to upload.

This used to work fine on the old server with the above ImageMagick/PerlMagick distro, but our installs for those packages are no longer available, so I'm trying this with ImageMagick 6.3.3-4 on a new Ubuntu 6.10 server.

The code parses fine with perl -w <code>, but it doesn't actually upload to the drive, and the picture remains unchanged. I currently have the permissions set wide open for testing, but the key may lie in a syntax or usage issue between ImageMagick versions...



use DB_File;
use Image::Magick;

sub endit
$_[0] =~ s/^.*\=\"//;
$_[0] =~ s/\".*$//;

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

# Parses the DB file and finds the appropriate filename

open (FILE, "-");
$boundary = <FILE>;
chomp ($boundary);
$blength = length ($boundary);
$junk = <FILE>;
$junk = <FILE>;
$sess = <FILE>;
chomp $sess;
$sess =~ s/\s//g;
$junk = <FILE>;
$junk = <FILE>;
$junk = <FILE>;
$empnum = <FILE>;
chomp $empnum;
$empnum =~ s/\s//g;
$junk = <FILE>;
$junk = <FILE>;
$junk = <FILE>;
$rotate = <FILE>;
chomp $rotate;
$rotate =~ s/\s//g;
$junk = <FILE>;
$filename = <FILE>;
endit ($filename);
$type = <FILE>;
chomp $type;
$junk = <FILE>;

# Handlers for different graphic types

$ext = "";
if ($filename =~ /\.jpg/i) { $ext = ".jpg"; }
if ($filename =~ /\.jpeg/i) { $ext = ".jpg"; }
if ($filename =~ /\.gif/i) { $ext = ".gif"; }
if ($filename =~ /\.png/i) { $ext = ".png"; }
if ($type =~ /jpg/i) { $ext = ".jpg"; }
if ($type =~ /jpeg/i) { $ext = ".jpg"; }
if ($type =~ /gif/i) { $ext = ".gif"; }
if ($type =~ /png/i) { $ext = ".png"; }

$temp = sprintf("upload%5d", $$);
$temp =~ s/\s/0/g;
$name = $temp . $ext;
$jname = $empnum . ".jpg";
$thumb = $empnum . "t.jpg";
unlink "photos/$name";

$size = 0;
if ($ext ne "")
open (IMAGE, ">photos/$name");
while (<FILE>)
if (substr ($_, 0, $blength) eq $boundary) { last; }
print IMAGE "$_";
$size = $size + length ($_);
close (IMAGE);
$t = chmod 0660, "photos/$name";
close (FILE);

$image = Image::Magick->new;
unlink "photos/$name";

if ($rotate =~ /l/i)
$image->Rotate(degrees=>270, crop=>0, sharpen=>0);
if ($rotate =~ /r/i)
$image->Rotate(degrees=>90, crop=>0, sharpen=>0);

($h, $w, $d) = $image->Get('rows', 'columns', 'depth');
if ($w > ($h * 0.75))
$tw = ($w - $h * 0.75) / 2;
$w = $h * 0.75;
($h, $w, $d) = $image->Get('rows', 'columns', 'depth');
if ($w > ($h * 0.75))
$tw = ($w - $h * 0.75) / 2;
$w = $h * 0.75;
$image->Crop(width=>$w, height=>$h, x=>$tw, y=>0);
if ($h > ($w * 1.333))
$th = ($h - $w * 1.333) / 2;
$h = $w * 1.333;
$image->Crop(width=>$w, height=>$h, x=>0, y=>$th);

if ($h > 640)
$h = 640;
$w = 480;
$scale = "$w" . "x" . "$h";

if ($h > 160)
$h = 160;
$w = 120;
$scale = "$w" . "x" . "$h";

undef $image;

$t = chmod 0660, "$imageloc/upload/$jname";
$t = chmod 0660, "$imageloc/upload/$thumb";


Looking at some code examples, I think the issue is in the $image->Write("jpeg:photos/$thumb"); or the $t = chmod 0660 <etc etc> statements, but I am vigorously thankful for any input, especially if there are other ways this might be improved...