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Writing IPTC headers does not work with version 6.3.0

Posted: 2007-02-09T02:03:35-07:00
by wasu

I'm trying to write IPTC headers to JPEG images with ImageMagick. I succeeded to do so with ImageMagick version 6.0.6 11/15/06. However, on the server I'm using there is ImageMagick 6.3.0. 12/18/06 and with this newer version it does not work any more. Here is what I have done:

convert +profile 8BIM +comment -profile 8BIMTEXT:iptc.txt in.jpg out.jpg

My iptc.txt file has the following content:
2#55#Date Created="20050606"
2#105#Headline="My Image"
2#116#Copyright Notice="(c) wasu"

When I'm running the command with version 6.0.6 it works fine (the command "identify -verbose out.jpg" shows the IPTC headers.) However when I'm using version 6.3.0 I get the following error (in german):

convert: magick/token.c:137: DestroyTokenInfo: Zusicherung »token_info->signature == 0xabacadabUL« nicht erfÌllt.

Ist this a bug of version 6.3.0 or must I do anything different with version 6.3.0?

Thanks for help,

Re: Writing IPTC headers does not work with version 6.3.0

Posted: 2007-02-09T08:21:57-07:00
by magick
We tried your command with the latest ImageMagick release, 6.3.2-4, and it worked as expected:
  • Profile-iptc: 60 bytes
    0x00000000: 42494d04 04000000 0000301c 02370008 32303035 8BIM-------0--7--200
    0x00000190: 30363036 1c026900 084d7920 496d6167 651c0274 50606--i--My Image--
    0x00000320: 00082863 29207761 73751c02 7a000477 61737500 t--(c) wasu--z--wasu
    Created Date[2,55]: 20050606
    Headline[2,105]: My Image
    Copyright String[2,116]: (c) wasu
    Caption Writer[2,122]: wasu

Re: Writing IPTC headers does not work with version 6.3.0

Posted: 2007-02-09T15:08:47-07:00
by wasu
Thank you for trying.
I've also tried with your version, but the same error as described occurs (I use SUSE Linux 10.2).
I've also tested to write the iptc headers with exiftools, this works for me now.
Again thank you for your reply.


Re: Writing IPTC headers does not work with version 6.3.0

Posted: 2007-02-09T16:03:16-07:00
by magick
Perhaps the problem is specific to your image. Can you post a URL to your in.tif image so we can download and try to reproduce the error. Thanks.