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Can't Read Image (Possible Installation Issue)

Posted: 2007-11-10T09:38:33-07:00
by KillaH425

I am about to call my host GoDaddy because the PHP source files no longer exist on my server, and I don't want to reinstall PHP and screw up some of the modules, so I never completed the step where --with-magickwand=/usr is inserted in the configure command. But it is recognized as a module (dynamic and it runs its own magick.ini file which is part of the phpinfo(); display. But instead of throwing me any other errors, I try the test code on the front page of and it keeps giving me errors, but not consistent ones. They all used to say "Wand contains no images 'MagickWand-11'" but now its "ContainsNoImages 'MagickWand-14'" and "ContainsNoImages 'MagickWand-17'". What does the number represent, because ever since I've been trying this script, its been increasing. Is the path to the image relative to the script or the root of the server? I began it with 'rose.jpg' (contained in the same folder as my script) and now I'm trying 'home/myusername/public_html/rose.jpg'. Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially with the complete installation of my MagickWand for PHP 1.0.4. I've tried different ImageMagick versions too, currently I am trying to do what this person had to do ... f=3&t=9403 (at the bottom).

Thanks in advance

Re: Can't Read Image (Possible Installation Issue)

Posted: 2007-11-10T10:40:22-07:00
by KillaH425
Also, when I tried to configure ImageMagick-6.3.5 (and 6.3.4) for the first install, as I am trying to do what this person did, most of the options were disabled, and wouldn't become enabled. The most important was --with-jpeg=yes but it was disabled and wouldn't enable, possibly causing this problem as I am trying to open a jpg file in my test script. I am trying to revert now to 6.3.4-10 and see if anything changes.