i use "ImageMagick-6.6.0-10-Q16-windows-dll" (WIN7 64bit) and have created a Batch-file for converting my pics. The Batch-file is in the same lokation as the pics and locks like this:
Code: Select all
@echo on
md druck
FOR /f %%I IN ('DIR *.jpg /b') Do (convert %%I -resize 1477x985 1477x985_%%I)
FOR /f %%I IN ('DIR *.jpg /b') DO (composite %%I d:\AAA1vorlage\vorlage.gif -geometry +950+0 druck\vorlage_%%I)
del 1477x985*.jpg
del druck\vorlage_IMG*.jpg
In the batch-file does it only works with 2 steps. How can i optimise that?
My question: is there a better way to make this operation in 1 Step. I mean composite and resize and without doublemaking image and deleting?
Sorry fpr my English und thx for help.