You need to check your magickwand installation.
see this link:
also check this you may have to do something like this:
i install PHP 4.4.2 follow steps.
rm ./configure
rm: remove regular file `./configure'? y
./buildconf --force
Forcing buildconf
using default Zend directory
rebuilding configure
rebuilding main/
./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-magickwand=/usr/local/ImageMagick
(i installed ImageMagick in /usr/local/ImageMagick)
check the install and readme files that come with imagemagick, using phpize, and rebuilding PHP (./configure with appropriate switches, make, make install, This would be done after doing the same process with the imagemagick tar file. You will then have to add or uncomment the magick*.so file in the extensions area of the php.ini
good luck
Note: I was able to get this working on Linux fedora core 6, imagemagick 6.4, and magicwand for php, and php 5.2 (it took a while)