SparseColor is not working

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SparseColor is not working

Post by venkat »

Hi all,

I have some problem with SparseColor().
I had download latest version and i took libraries and includes and builded project in VC++ to get .NET dll.
All methods are working fine and i am able to access all methods, but SparseColor is giving exception when i called.

"Sparse color image, given a set of coordinates, interpolates the colors found at those coordinates, across the whole image, using various methods."
SparseColor (ChannelType channel_, SparseColorMethod method_, unsigned long number_arguments, double *arguments_ );

ImageMagickNET.Image imageMagick = new ImageMagickNET.Image( "C:\\img1.jpg" );
double dArguments=10;
double *pArguments=&dArguments;
imageMagick.SparseColor(ChannelType.BlueChannel,SparseColorMethod.BarycentricColorInterpolate,(uint)1, pArguments );

The above example is giving exception like "External component has thrown an exception."

Can you tell me how to solve this problem.

please help me.

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