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by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert - Mogrify - Append - Same Filename | Windows IM7.0.8
Replies: 8
Views: 106684

Re: Convert - Mogrify - Append - Same Filename | Windows IM7.0.8

The question is really about scripting, not ImageMagick. This is an ImageMagick forum, not a scripting forum. But I'm feeling generous. Windows BAT syntax: for %%Z in (*-001-*.png) do ( echo %%Z for /F "tokens=1-5 delims=-." %%A in ("%%Z") do set PREFIX=%%A-%%B-%%C-%%D-%%E- echo ...
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert - Mogrify - Append - Same Filename | Windows IM7.0.8
Replies: 8
Views: 106684

Re: Convert - Mogrify - Append - Same Filename | Windows IM7.0.8

For IM v7, I suggest you use "magick". ...images all named "year-month-day-hour-minute-###-tags" I suppose an example filename would be 2019-10-16-13-46-003-dogs-people.png". Is that correct? If not, please give some samples. Do all the files with the same date/time have the...
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Use of smush when combining images
Replies: 4
Views: 71526

Re: Use of smush when combining images

Umm, smush can overlap. As far as I know, smush always places the second on top of the first, and the third on top of that, and so on. A couple of rotations will effectively reverse the order: convert granite: rose: -rotate 180 -background none -gravity west +smush -10 -rotate 180 rosegran.png http:...
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Convert image from clipboard to clipboard (?)
Replies: 1
Views: 62446

Re: Convert image from clipboard to clipboard (?)

What version of IM, on what platform?

On Windows, you can use "clipboard:" for input or output, eg:

Code: Select all

convert %1 -fuzz 0 -fill "#FFFFFF" -opaque "#000000" clipboard:
convert clipbord: -fuzz 0 -fill "#FFFFFF" -opaque "#000000" %1
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Color banding with high blur values
Replies: 4
Views: 70439

Re: Color banding with high blur values

Your output.png is still only 8-bit. Is that also a screenshot? Please post the actual file, not a screenshot. As a test, I suggest you insert "+write abc.png" after the blur, to save just that image. Check this is 16-bit. Then: magick abc.png -auto-level abc2.png This may show clear bandi...
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Color banding with high blur values
Replies: 4
Views: 70439

Re: Color banding with high blur values

Your linked image is 8-bit.

Your code doesn't have "-depth 16".

What version of IM? What does "magick -version" say?

I suggest you use "magick", not "magick convert".
by snibgo
Forum: Fred's Scripts
Topic: Multicrop fails to output files
Replies: 5
Views: 146868

Re: Multicrop fails to output files

You use "-u 2" which, as the script says, calls Fred's unrotate script. The error message "unrotate: command not found" suggests you don't have that.
by snibgo
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Issue with color conversion IM Q16 Mac OSX
Replies: 3
Views: 67466

Re: Issue with color conversion IM Q16 Mac OSX

The problem is that HSV text output, for the hue channel, is in degrees (scale 0 to 360). But the input is a percentage (scale 0 to 100). For example: f:\web\im>%IMG7%magick xc:hsv(10,100%,100%) txt: # ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 1,1,65535,hsv 0,0: (6553.5,65535,65535) #199AFFFFFFFF hsv(36,100%,1...
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Generate tiles for all pages of multi-page PDF
Replies: 4
Views: 71161

Re: Generate tiles for all pages of multi-page PDF

I have experimented with positioning the -flatten argument in various positions in the above command, ... Why? You don't want to flatten the pages together, do you?. See For percent-escapes, see
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Generate tiles for all pages of multi-page PDF
Replies: 4
Views: 71161

Re: Generate tiles for all pages of multi-page PDF

You "-flatten" all the pages together.
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Split image into large tiles?
Replies: 8
Views: 91420

Re: Split image into large tiles?

magick frames.png -crop 216x120 tile%03d.png :info magick: unable to open image 'tile%03d.png': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3497. That command is garbage. Try the commands I showed you. info: frames.png PNG 216x8880 216x120+0+0 8-bit sRGB 3.5611MiB 0.000u 0:00.000 That's the p...
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Split image into large tiles?
Replies: 8
Views: 91420

Re: Split image into large tiles?

Your command works fine for me, using v7.0.8-64 on Windows 8.1. I suggest you use "magick", not "magick convert". The usual Windows directory separator is backslash \ not forward-slash /. However, these make no difference for me. What does identify say about your input frames.png...
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Split image into large tiles?
Replies: 8
Views: 91420

Re: Split image into large tiles?

What is the name of the file it makes? What does identify say about it?
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Split image into large tiles?
Replies: 8
Views: 91420

Re: Split image into large tiles?

What version of IM, on what platfom?

If your platfom is Windows BAT, you need to double the %.
by snibgo
Forum: Users
Topic: Converting SVG to PNG on QNAP fails
Replies: 10
Views: 95463

Re: Converting SVG to PNG on QNAP fails

DazDavid wrote:delegate failed `'rsvg-convert' -o '%o' '%i''
Is rsvg-convert installed? If not, then that's the problem.

In addition, your command has no output filename.