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by el_supremo
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: ConvertImageCommand() and Obj-C
Replies: 7
Views: 29414

Re: ConvertImageCommand() and Obj-C

The problem is that tmp3, tmp4, tmp5 and tmp6 contain multiple arguments which must be in individual strings. Even a parenthesis is a separate argument. So where you have char *argv2[] = { "convert", tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, It should be: char *argv2[] = { "convert", "("...
by el_supremo
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: ConvertImageCommand() and Obj-C
Replies: 7
Views: 29414

Re: ConvertImageCommand() and Obj-C

1. -size parameter "${w1}x1". If value of w1 is 480 (for example) could this be translated to "480x1"? Yes. 2. zz=$fd1*(i-$cx)*$cosang. Should I define "i"? In effect what happens here is that IM executes the -fx argument for each value of i from zero up to the width o...
by el_supremo
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: ConvertImageCommand() and Obj-C
Replies: 7
Views: 29414

Re: ConvertImageCommand() and Obj-C

xc: is the built-in image function which creates a canvas. If no size is specified, as in this case, then the image will be a single pixel. But the first nine statements aren't really using xc: at all. They are using the fx: feature to calculate values which will be used in the final convert stateme...
by el_supremo
Forum: Users
Topic: How to combine these commands into one?
Replies: 4
Views: 10034

Re: How to combine these commands into one?

You are missing \) just before -compose.

by el_supremo
Forum: Magick++
Topic: translating a command line to magick++ concerning pattern
Replies: 7
Views: 26038

Re: translating a command line to magick++ concerning patter

The basic pattern:checkerboard is designed to be tiled. But when you tile that image onto a 640x480 canvas, the result is not necessarily an image that can also be tiled. The left edge and the right edge of checkerboard.png don't match properly when tiled. I'm not familair with Magick++ so I can't h...
by el_supremo
Forum: Magick++
Topic: translating a command line to magick++ concerning pattern
Replies: 7
Views: 26038

Re: translating a command line to magick++ concerning patter

Both of these are in C but you should be able to figure out how to do the same thing in Magick++ See the last piece of code posted by user "fisheggs" in this thread: And in my "MagickWand Examples in C", see...
by el_supremo
Forum: Users
Topic: Using PixelSetColor()
Replies: 2
Views: 6496

Re: Using PixelSetColor()

The problem is that you have to pass "rgb(a,b,c)" as a string so anything inside the string is not interpreted as variables. But you could use sprintf to create the string and then pass that. e.g. char rgb_string[64]; . . . sprintf(rgb_string,"rgb(%d,%d,%d)",a,b,c); PixelSetColor...
by el_supremo
Forum: Users
Topic: Adding copyright metadata to image?
Replies: 2
Views: 16187

Re: Adding copyright metadata to image?

IM will decompress the JPG data on input and then recompresss on output, which can degrade the image. You would be better off using a program which only alters the metadata. I forget the names - jhead is one I think?

by el_supremo
Forum: IMagick
Topic: DPI changing issue
Replies: 1
Views: 8317

Re: DPI changing issue

What is the format of the input image and how do you know it is 300dpi?

by el_supremo
Forum: Users
Topic: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ConstituteImage
Replies: 2
Views: 8334

Re: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ConstituteImag

The usual (and best) advice in this situation is that you first open the button demo project and make sure it compiles and runs as-is.
Then you can modify that code.

by el_supremo
Forum: Users
Topic: Problems linking ImageMagic.h, syntax error: ssize_t
Replies: 4
Views: 11172

Re: Problems linking ImageMagic.h, syntax error: ssize_t

Try each of these.

For C programs which use MagickWand I use this:
#include <wand/magick_wand.h>

A C program using MagickCore would use:
#include <magick/MagickCore.h>

The button demo for Magick++ uses:
#include <Magick++.h>

by el_supremo
Forum: MagickWand
Topic: Create several thumbnails from a single original image
Replies: 2
Views: 14809

Re: Create several thumbnails from a single original image

If you want 300x200 and 150x100 you can create the 300x200 first, write it, and then just cut the image in half and write that. If you want to (or have to) start from the original image each time, use CloneMagickWand to create a copy of the original wand. e.g. do something like this pseudo-code: ima...
by el_supremo
Forum: Users
Topic: I don't understand the different result with convert & crop
Replies: 2
Views: 6326

Re: I don't understand the different result with convert & c

The problem with the trim is that there are white spots on the scanned image which are too white to be covered by a fuzz of even 70%. You could try an even higher fuzz but that might then start cutting into the images. You could also try really cleaning the scanning surface to see if you can get rid...
by el_supremo
Forum: Users
Topic: Draw circle dithering
Replies: 3
Views: 8262

Re: Draw circle dithering

Turn off antialiasing - but it won't look as good:
convert testsave.png -stroke blue -fill blue -strokewidth 2 +antialias -draw "circle 20,20 20,25" test.png

by el_supremo
Forum: Users
Topic: pdf to tif:poor resolution
Replies: 2
Views: 6740

Re: pdf to tif:poor resolution

Specify a density (dpi) for the PDF before reading it.

Code: Select all

convert -density 300 toto.pdf -monochrome toto.tif